A story goes that three people- a cleric, a lawyer and a physicist- were sentenced to death by guillotine
When the executions were due to take place, the cleric came forward and put his head under the guillotine, and was asked if he had any final words. The cleric said, ‘God, God, God is the one who will save me’, and the blade fell. Just as it reached his head it stopped still, and the crowd was amazed, saying, ‘Let the cleric go free, for God has spoken’. So the cleric survived.
Next came the turn of the lawyer, and they asked him if he had any final words. So he said, ‘I don’t know God like the cleric, but I do know more about justice, - justice will save me, and the blade fell. Just as it reached his head it stopped still, and the crowd was amazed, saying, ‘Let the lawyer go free, for justice has spoken’. So the lawyer survived.
Finally it was the physicist’s turn, and they asked him if he had any final words. He said, ‘I don’t know God like the cleric, or justice like the lawyer… but I do know that there is a knot in the rope stopping the guillotine blade from falling.
They looked at the guillotine and saw that the physicist was right. So they fixed it and let the guillotine fall and decapitate the physicist’s head.
That’s why is best to keep your mouth shut sometimes even if you know the truth. Sometimes it’s wise to be stupid.
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